California Training Portal

Supplemental Training Program Graduates

We would like to recognize those learners that completed three courses as part of this training program.

Learners with completion dates on or before September 5, 2024, are listed below.

Alameda County

Alameda County
Bryan Heath

Central Coast County

Imperial County

Access to Independence
Karina Leon

Los Angeles County

Disabled Resources Center, Inc
Guadalupe Gracian
Richard Hernandez
Samantha Mam

Los Angeles County Aging & Disabilities Department
Andre Anthony
Darlene Croom
Orlando Vargas

Marin County

Monterey County

Department of Social Services, Aging and Adult Services
Brenda Abear
Isabel Orozco
Mounia Munsinger

Monterey County
Erika Ibarra
Ruben Bravo

Nevada County

Northcoast County

Orange County

Placer County

Placer Area Agency on Aging, Area 4
Melyssa Santos-Hollitz

Riverside County

Community Access Center
Anthony Herrera
Liliana Jimenez-Digeso

Sacramento County

ACC Senior Services
Macy Quan
Remy Tokunaga

Resources for Independent Living
James Crum
Linda Ngichu
Marshall Wexelberg

Sacramento Area Agency on Aging, Area 4
AnnElise Matthies
Danielle Neef-Dawes
Desiree Miranda
Heidi Richardson
John Oliveira
Sara Abdi-Panariello

San Benito County

San Bernardino County

San Bernardino County ADRC
Breanna Parker

San Bernardino County ADRC Extended Partner
Ben Jauregui

San Francisco County

San Francisco Department of Disability and Aging Services
Carmen Lee
Elizabeth Cheng
Flora Chan
Jatzel Martinez
Jenah Yangwas
Kelly Bryant
Maria Fonseca
Mary Ann Roeurth
Mui Fung
Thao Lam

San Mateo County

Center for Independence of Individuals with Disabilities
Benjamin McMullan
Chelsea Hargreaves

Santa Clara County

Diana Benavides

Solano County

Independent Living Resources in Solano and Contra Costa County
Halifu Prince
Sheralyn Lime

Sonoma County

Aging and Disability Resource Hub
Sheila Patel

the Mother Lode

Ventura County

County of Ventura Human Services Agency, Aging & Disability Services/Area Agency on Aging
Brianna Kelly
Celeste Lopez
Denise Noguera
Jessica Field
Sheryl Miller

Yolo County

California Department on Aging