Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our FAQs to find the information that is most relevant to you.


What are the benefits of joining the Trainers Hub?

By joining The Network Trainers Hub, you’ll have the opportunity to work with new client organizations, share your subject expertise in social work, develop and deliver innovative new training programs, collaborate with our community of practice, and partner with Boston University School of Social Work to expand your impact.

You can read more about the benefits of becoming a Network Trainers Hub member here.


Do you need to complete the Train-the-Trainer certificate to join the Trainers Hub?

Yes.  The Train-the-Trainer Certificate Program was designed to ensure that all prospective Network trainers in our Trainers Hub are properly credentialed and ready to represent Boston University School of Social Work nationally.

The self-paced online course is designed to be completed in three (3) hours, and upon successful completion of the course quiz and evaluation, all trainers will receive their three (3) CEs, a certificate from BUSSW, and free membership in our Network Trainers Hub.

You can read more about the origins of the program in this interview with Director, Bronwyn Keefe.

If I already have experience as a Trainer, what can I gain from the Train-the-Trainer Certificate Program?

All the Trainers who complete our Train-the-Trainer Certificate Program typically do have some training experience. This certificate ensures that all of our trainers possess a baseline level of experience, to ensure competency in three key areas of demand:  training delivery, curriculum development, assessment & evaluation.  As a result, even seasoned trainers have found the opportunity for a “refresher” course to be valuable.

Experienced trainers will appreciate the opportunity to expand their training business and partner with BUSSW clients, agencies and organizations in new training engagements, as well as the ability to connect with other trainers in our growing community of practice.

As a Network Trainer, how do I partner with BUSSW in training engagements?

We match trainers when we learn of opportunities from agencies and organizations in health & social services. Currently, there are two models for how these “training engagements” are structured:

* Some organizations prefer to work directly with a trainer, independent of BUSSW – in which case we are merely the bridge between you and the organization, and all fees and negotiations will be between you and the organization.

* Other organizations prefer to work through BUSSW and contract with us — in which case, the organization would also pay BU a fee for our service to set up the training and manage any details, and we would pay the trainer from this contract.

What are the criteria for matching a trainer with an organization?

There are many factors we take into consideration when matching a trainer with an organization: a trainer’s subject area of expertise, the training services they provide, the associated formats required, their availability and the client’s budget all factor into determining the best fit for a successful training engagement.

Are there fees associated with trainer matching?

No.  There are no fees associated with matching trainers to organizations.

Are Network Trainers able to determine their own fees and preferred training engagement model?

 Yes. When we meet with Trainers after they complete their certification, trainers are welcome to indicate the hourly fees they typically charge for training and their preferred model of working with clients. However, often there are organizations and agencies that may prefer one engagement model over the other.

Is it still possible to be an instructor for webinars or seminars without being a member of The Network Trainers Hub?

Yes. We continue to invite instructors from beyond the BUSSW community (including former PEP instructors) to submit new proposals for a webinar or seminar. You do not need to be a member of our Trainers Hub to participate in this opportunity.  If you have a proposal idea for a webinar or workshop, please share your ideas and program details here.