Whether you’re an organization looking for an expert trainer to educate your workforce, or you’re an experienced practitioner who wants to share your skills and expertise, you’ve come to the right place.
The Trainers Hub
Connect to expert trainers who are committed to sharing their expertise and research to support health and social services professionals.
All of our trainers have deep expertise in a wide range of topics including clinical practice, public health social work, aging, children, youth, and families, emerging issues in social work, and evidence-based practice skills.
Whether you’re looking to host a series of training sessions, develop custom curriculum on a new policy or mandate, or conduct an assessment or evaluation of your training efforts, consider forging a new partnership with a member of our Trainers Hub.
Join the Trainers Hub
Ready to share your skills and expertise? Join our supportive, forward-looking community of practice.
Learn MoreApply to Teach a Workshop
Have an idea for a webinar or virtual program? We’d love to hear it.
Submit Your ProposalThese are examples of how your organization can work with a trainer from our Network Trainers Hub:
Blended Training: online coursework combined with in-person or live virtual training | Substance Use Among Older Adults Santa Cruz County Human Services Santa Cruz County, CA | Trainer: Jen Kaley |
Custom Training: tailored learning program designed specifically for your staff | CBT for Panic Disorder The Dimock Center Boston, MA | Trainer: Odessa Holt |
No matter which subject or format you prefer, we’re ready to help you find a trainer to design a training program that fits the unique needs of your organization, and is a flexible solution for your workforce.