To register, go to the specific offering page in the Learning Catalog, and click on the blue Register button and you will be prompted to follow these steps:
For New Learners
Follow the prompts to complete registration which includes two steps:
1. Create a BU Web Account and Password
2. If prompted to pay, follow instructions to complete payment
3. Complete and Submit a Profile to finalize the creation of your account
4. Return to the Learning Catalog, select your next Offering, and repeat Step 2 and Step 3. You will receive individual payment receipt for each transaction.
For Returning Learners
Follow the prompts to complete registration:
1. Log in with your existing BU login name (email address) and password
2. If prompted to pay, follow instructions to complete payment
3. Update and Submit your User Profile
4. Return to the Learning Catalog, select your next Offering, and repeat Step 2 and Step 3. You will receive individual payment receipt for each transaction.
Please note: If you would like to receive a payment receipt for multiple purchases of courses/certificates/webinars, please complete our Learner Account Assistance form.
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