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The Center for Aging & Disability Education & Research (CADER) is committed to strengthening the workforce that provides home and community-based support and services to older adults and people with disabilities through developing innovative, competency-based, practice-informed online training. CADER has trained more than 50,000 practitioners and provided online training in the area of aging to more than 450 community-based agencies and state organizations nationwide.

CADER offers evidence-based training programs that are designed to build the practice skills of your health and human services workforce and create a true learning organization. 

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Evaluation Report

Massachusetts EOEA Certificate Training Initiative – Full Report (2024)

This evaluation report presents findings from a training initiative completed in partnership with the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA). For the training initiative, 136 leaners completed the Behavioral Health in Aging certificate program and 190 learners completed the Person-Centered Case Management certificate program. Learners gained key skills that they will apply in their job roles. The training helped learners feel more confident in their ability to provide better informed and culturally competent care.

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Our employees have diverse educational backgrounds and work histories. We have found the CADER courses and certificate programs to be a convenient and cost-effective method to ensure that our staff have a sound understanding of the issues and concerns impacting the consumers we serve and gives them the knowledge they need to provide effective care planning and coordination.