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Evaluation through collaboration: A model program of agency-based training in geriatric social work (2007)

The Institute for Geriatric Social Work (IGSW), located at Boston University School of Social Work (BUSSW), formed a collaborative partnership with Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley (ESMV), a large urban Area Agency on Aging (AAA) near Boston to design, implement, and evaluate an innovative model program of agency-based training for practicing social workers. The collaboration facilitated and strengthened the development of a program that benefited the university-based program and the community-based agency.

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Policy Brief

The Geriatric Social Work Labor Force: Challenges and Opportunities in Responding to an Aging Society (2004)

Despite the perceived need for geriatric social workers, the National Association on Social Work statistics suggests that slightly less than five percent of members identify aging as their primary practice area—a figure that has remained unchanged for over a decade. Currently, an opportunity exists within the social work profession to address the critical shortage in geriatrics-prepared social workers.

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