The Learning Catalog

ADRC / No Wrong Door Key Principles Certificate

Online Certificates


The comprehensive, five-course ADRC certificate program is designed to enable those working in Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) to gain the knowledge and skills needed to meet the challenges of this changing system of service. This Certificate focuses on the key skills needed to work in ADRCs, including a comprehensive course on Options Counseling to support individuals’ choice, self-determination, and participation in utilizing a range of community resources, and a course on working with people who have mental health concerns, a growing area of focus in our aging population.

Learner Feedback:

“The information provided was extremely helpful. The practical examples helped clarify the written information. The information was concise and informative.”

Success Story: Read how these California agencies trained their staff with this certificate.

Contributing Authors:

Bronwyn Keefe, PhD, MSW, MPH is the Assistant Dean of Workforce and Professional Development at Boston University School of Social Work where she is also the Director for The Center for Aging and Disability Education and Research (CADER) and The Network for Professional Education.

Amelia Paini, MSW, Program Manager for Curriculum Development, Boston University School of Social Work

Joan Ead, Eadem Writing Associates


Core Issues in Aging and Disability
  • Discuss the basic issues related to disability and aging.
  • Describe the ways in which an individual’s cultural, ethnic, or religious background, sexual orientation, or gender identity can influence the experiences of aging and living with a disability.
  • Describe the philosophy of consumer choice.
  • Define functional capacity in terms of activities of living.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of resources and programs that support older adults and persons with disabilities.
A Guide to the Aging and Disability Networks
  • Identify key federal, state, and local resources available to older adults, persons with disabilities, and their families.
  • Explain how eligibility and accessibility impact the use of federal, state and local programs.
  • Discuss methods for identifying and accessing resources for older adults, persons with disabilities, and their families.
  • Define key terminology in understanding and navigating the aging and disability networks.
Assessment of Older Adults and Persons with Disabilities
  • Describe your role in the assessment process
  • Explain how the assessment process supports choice, self-determination, and participation.
  • Identify the legal and ethical considerations during assessment.
  • Explain the role of the consumer as partner in assessment.
  • Consider the diversity of consumers using cultural humility.
Mental Health Training in Options Counseling
  • Recognize the diverse language used to describe mental health and define specific terms related to mental health challenges.
  • Explain the role of options counseling in supporting consumer’s choice, self-determination, and participation.
  • Describe the importance of options counselor self-reflection.
  • Identify the different perspectives on mental health.
  • Summarize the importance of communication skills in interacting with consumers, families, and caregivers.
Understanding Consumer Control, Person-Centered Planning, and Self-Direction
  • Illustrate your role as it pertains to consumer direction. 
  • Summarize the history of the Independent Living Movement. 
  • Describe the history of aging and disability policy. 
  • Explain how your work is consumer controlled. 

Course Policies

For information about refunds, cancellations, accommodations and to contact us please visit the policies page.

Accessibility Information

All online courses are self-paced and are designed as reading-based and include interactive multimedia components including simulations, video, audio, and discussion boards.

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